
There are several traditional cures for sprains. Bathing with vinegar was said to be effective, as was rubbing the sprain with liniment made from olive oil and grated garlic. Rose water, lavender oil and witch hazel were used to reduce swelling, while an older cure involved applying the beaten white of an egg to the sprained area.

Comfrey was noted for its healing powers, and poultice of comfrey was used on sprains. Plantain was also noted as an effective wound healer, and its crushed fresh leaves were used on sprained ankles and other sprains.

Plantain was also used as one of the ingredients in a more complex remedy. The leaves of elder, ground ivy, wormwood and plantain were chopped and mixed with lard. The mixture was then put in a slow oven until the leaves were crisp and then the mixture was strained through linen.

Another cure for sprains involved warming three parts elder leaves to four parts lard and two parts grated suet. After the lard mixture had turned green, it was strained to linen before being applied to the sprain.

The leaves of tansy were also thought to relieve sprains. These were applied in the form of poultice.

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