
A cut strawberry rubbed on the area of sunburn was thought to bring relief. Grated potato mixed with olive oil was also thought to relieve sunburn. Vinegar rubbed on the skin was also used to treat sunburn.

Cucumber juice was used to cool sunburn, and it was sometimes mixed with rose water. Crushed marigolds were also used to ease sunburn, as was glycerin, sometimes mixed with rose water. Washing the sunburn in the sage tea was another suggested remedy.

Egg white applied to the skin in layers with time being allowed for each layer to dry before the other layer was applied was considered to soothe sunburn. Buttermilk was also suppose to ease the pain of sunburn.

An old cure for sunburn involved mixing cream, lemon, brandy, alum and sugar. This was boiled, skimmed, cooled and applied to the skin.

Another old cure was based on grapes. A bunch of green grapes was sprinkled with mixture of salt and powdered alum. The grapes were wrapped in paper and baked. The juice was squeeze out of the grapes and was then applied to the area of skin suffering from sunburn.

Lemon juice applied to the skin was meant to prevent sunburn.

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