Ulcers, External

One cure for ulcers on the skin involved bruising primrose leaves with the same quantity of primrose flowers and simmering them in unsalted lard until the primroses were crisp. The mixture was then strained, allowed to cool and applied to the ulcer.

Another cure was based on carrots. These were grated, made into a poultice and applied directly to the ulcer. A poultice based on watercress was also used, and cabbage leaves were also used in the form of a poultice. A burdock poultice, or a comfrey poultice, was also advocated.

Honey was used externally as a remedy for ulcers, as was the juice of raw potato. A lotion made from cold tea was also considered to be effective against ulcers, as was a lotion made from infusion of dandelion leaves and flowers. Dilute chamomile oil and dilute lavender oil were other remedies recommended for ulcers on the skin, and eucalyptus oil was also used externally. Ulcers was also treated with sage tea.

Crushed marigold flowers or an infusion of marigold were also used externally to heal ulcers. Yarrow, elder flowers and borage were also used in this way.

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