Early herbalists recommended watercress as a remedy for poor hair growth.
Because it was high in iron it was used to treat anemia. It was also used to stimulate the appetite.
An expectorant, it was used as a remedy in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. As a diuretic, it was used in the treatment of urinary disorders. Disorders of the liver and gall bladder were treated with it.
Watercress was also used in nervous disorders.
It was used to stimulate menstruation and increase the milk supply in nursing mothers. it was also thought to increase fertility.
Externally, watercress was used in the form of a poultice to treat wounds, boils, ulcers, cold sores and scabies. It was also used to make a lotion for hemorrhoids and rashes. A mouthwash made from it was used for the relief of toothache.
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