
We now know parsley as a common culinary herb. However, it was also used in herbal medicine and also features in folklore. In ancient Greece and Rome, sprigs of parsley were placed on tombs to bring good luck to the deceased. The Romans wore sprigs of it about their person to provide general protection, and the gladiators in ancient Rome ate parsley in an effort to boost their strength.

The Romans believed that a pregnant woman would miscarry if she ate parsley. Later it was used by women who were pregnant but who did not want to be. They used it to try to bring about abortions. It was found to have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus, and pregnant women were advised to avoid it.

It was used to treat women after childbirth with a view to getting the uterus back to normal. The herb was also used to increase the milk supply in nursing mothers.

Parsley had several used in herbal medicine. The bruised leaves were used against the plague and against diseases characterized by intermittent fevers.

It was used to treat bronchitis and asthma and to cleanse the kidneys. As a diuretic, it was used a remedy for dropsy and was advocated as a treatment for jaundice. Gout and arthritis were both treated by it.

The herb was used as a remedy for headaches and also for some nervous disorders, such as excessive anxiety. Listlessness and lack of energy were treated with it.

The herb was used to improve circulation and in the treatment of high blood pressure. Anemia was also treated with it. It was thought to have the power to stimulate the appetite and was used as an aid to digestion.

It was regarded as being an antispasmodic and was used in the treatment of stomach cramps, colic and flatulence, as well as indigestion.

Externally, parsley was used in the treatment of stings and bites, and for cuts and wounds. Crushed fresh parsley leaves were put on the breasts of nursing mothers to relieve engorgement of the breasts.

It was used on the hair as a tonic to make the hair shine, and it was also used as a treatment for head lice. Applied locally, it was used as a remedy for toothache.

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