
An old country for dysentery was to make a drink from cinnamon powder stirred into milk. Another old cure was vinegar diluted with water, and yet another was pepper. Docks seed were another traditional remedy.

A drink made from milk, nutmeg, peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon and oak bark was thought to bring relief to sufferers from dysentery.

Raw grated apple was thought to help in cases of dysentery, as was honey. Thyme, meadowsweet, witch hazel and the leaves and the leaves of eucalyptus, too, were meant to be able to relieve the condition.

A cure to be applied externally used garlic. The garlic was pressed and heated until it was quite hot. A piece of cloth was folded and dipped in the garlic and then placed on the navel until it grew cold. The treatment could be repeated two or three times.

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