Cloves were particularly used for the relief of toothache because of the numbing effect that cloves can produce. It was used as an aid to digestion and as a cure for indigestion and to relieve nausea.
They were used in the treatment of nervous disorders, such as excessive anxiety, and also in the treatment of depression. They were thought to have expectorant properties and were used in the treatment of colds and other respiratory infections.
Clovers were also thought to be able to induce perspiration and bring down fevers. They were also thought to relieve hay fever. Diarrhea and flatulence were both treated with cloves.
Oil of cloves was used as a massage oil to strengthen uterine contractions in childbirth. Rubbed on the temples it was thought to be a remedy for headaches. Cuts, wounds and ringworm were treated with it, and it was used as a liniment for aching joints.
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