
Looking for ways to get rid of dandruff? Did you know that sulfur is often used in the treatment of dandruff? One ounce of sulfur and two pints of water were shaken together repeatedly every few hours and then the head was soaked with the liquid. Alternately, an ointment of weak sulfur and lanolin was used.

Yarrow used as a rinse was regarded as being a cure for dandruff as well as being thought to prevent hair falling out. Castor oil rubbed into the scalp was also supposed to have both of these effects, while a shampoo made from nettle was meant to cure the dandruff.

An infusion of sage brushed into the scalp every night was thought to be effective, and it was also thought to improve the condition of the hair generally. Another later cure was a mixture of kerosene and water, equal parts being used. For the first few days of treatment this was to be rubbed into the hair night and morning.

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