
Many herbs were used in the treatment of bronchitis. These included angelica, borage, bugle, butterbur, caraway, chervil chickweed, coltsfolt and comfrey. Daisy, fennel, fenugreek, ground ivy, knotgrass, liquorice, madder, myrrh, marjoram were other herbs that were commonly used in the treatment of bronchitis.

Other herbs that were thought to bring relief to sufferers from bronchitis were mullein, onion, parsley, plantain, primrose and sage. Savory, speedwell, thyme, watercress and white horehound were also used as treatments for bronchitis.

Cinnamon, honey, ginger, and tea were used a bronchial treatments, as was eucalyptus. Carrot and turnip were also used.

All of the mentioned herbs and plants here have an article here. Just use the search function to see all of them so you can find a herbal remedy for bronchitis.

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