
borage for herbal medicines
Borage in medical times was thought to promote courage. From early times it was thought also to have a cheering influence on people.

In herbal medicine it was used in many ways. As well as lifting the spirits, it was thought to have the ability to stop palpitations and to restore energy during a period of convalescence. It was used also to increase the production of sweat and as a diuretic in cases of fluid retention.

The symptoms of respiratory infections were also treated with it, as it relieved congestion and helped to bring up phlegm. Borage was used in the treatment of sore throats, chest infections and bronchitis.

A poultice made with the leaves and flowers of borage was used to relieve skin conditions, such as eczema and ringworm. A poultice made with borage was wrapped round painful joints in arthritis and gout.

Borage was used to make gargles and mouthwashes to treat sore throats, laryngitis or bleeding gums.

The leaves and seeds of borage were given to nursing mothers to increase their milk supply.

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