
basil herbal medicine
Most of us think of basil, also sometimes known as sweet basil, as a herb used in cooking. However, it was also used in herbal medicine.

In the Middle Ages basil was used to relieve the pains of women in labor. It was also thought to be able to draw out the poison from scorpion stings.

It was later used as a cure for various ailments. Nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps were thought to be alleviated by it, as were obstructions of the internal organs and constipation.

Headaches were also said to be soothed by basil, and it was used to relieve insomnia. Vertigo and dizziness were thought to be cured by it, as were mild nervous disorders. Usually administered as an infusion, the herb was said to have the power to increase the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers.

Oil basil was recommended for treating insects stings, bites and minor cuts and abrasions.

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