Ampalaya | Bitter Gourd

What home remedies can ampalaya do? Also called bitter melon and bitter gourd, ampalaya is a tropical plant which is probably among the most bitter of all vegetables.

Bitter gourd predominantly grows in tropical areas where it is used both as food as well as a medicine. The plant's fruit truly lives up to its name, because it really tastes bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of this fruit have different uses, the fruit is considered as the safest and most predominantly used part of the plant in traditional herbal medicine.

Ampalaya as a herbal medicine is very popular, specially for treating diabetes. The Philippine variety is known for its more potent anti-diabetic components. It is also a very good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.

The fruit's leaves are often used for children's coughs and are utilized in the treatment of skin diseases, sterility in women, as a parasiticide, an antipyretic, as well as a purgative. Like most bitter-tasting fruits and vegetables, bitter gourd stimulates digestion and can be very potent in people with dyspepsia and constipation.

Ampalaya is noted to be an effective component in herbal medicine, and the fruit is known to help treat, or alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism and gout and ailments of the spleen and liver. It also is effective in helping lower the body's blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

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